My Morehead Planetarium Experience

Recently Durham Academy’s sixth grade took a visit to the Morehead Planetarium and this is my experience .

In the morning we had our first two classes like normal and then at break we loaded the busses and went to the planetarium. First we took walks around the park with our advisory’s and the garden was beautiful there was so many flowers and trees and students working. After that we went to this area with a bunch of interactive activities about science. After that we ate some food and went to go see a show about newtons laws which was pretty cool. Then at the end of the day we say the planetarium show which was super cool nothing like I’ve ever seen. The field trip was super cool, I learned a lot and had a very good experience there.

Thank you for reading!

Photo by my teacher

My Tree Planting Expierence

A little while ago my class went for a field trip to go plant trees. We learned a lot about how good the trees are for the world and environment and how people have been cutting them down so we planted some more. It’s super hard to plant trees because you have to do a lot of work but in the end it was super fun. First you had measure how big your hole will be and dig it out which takes a while. After that you get the tree out of the pot and get a lot of the roots sticking out and then you put the tree in the hole you dug and bury it and then you’re done. I had so much fun at this field trip and learned a lot thank you for reading!

Photo by my teacher.